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Slitting machine brief introduction and basic technological requirements

Date:2020-10-29 Author: Click:


Scutter is a kind of machine which can cut wide paper or film into narrow material. It is often used in paper making machinery and printing and packaging machinery. In the past, the speed of the magnetic powder clutch of the scuttling machine can not be high, because it is easy to cause the high-speed friction of magnetic powder in operation, produce high temperature, shorten its life, and will be stuck in serious cases, which will hinder the operation of the machine and bring very serious consequences to the production. Seriously affect the production efficiency.

The traditional control scheme of the scutter is to use a large motor to drive the rewinding shaft, and magnetic powder clutch is added on the rewinding reel. The resistance generated by the magnetic powder clutch is controlled by adjusting the current of the clutch, so as to control the tension on the surface of the material. Magnetic powder clutch and brake is a special automatic execution element, it is through filling in the working gap of magnetic powder transfer torque, changing the magnetic current can change the magnetic state of magnetic powder, and then adjust the transmission torque. It can be used for stepless speed regulation from zero to synchronous speed, suitable for fine tuning in high speed section and small and medium power speed regulation system. It is also used in uncoiling or rewinding tension control systems which can adjust the torque by adjusting the current to ensure that the tension remains constant during the winding process.

Common slitting machine process requirements

1.Self-adhesive slitting machine to the whole roll or the whole piece of original data to stop the fixed length slitting processing, such as plastic packaging data, packaging cartons, steel plates, film, leather, wood chips and other stop slitting processing, all need to use the fixed length slitting control.

2.The control of fixed length slitting machine is divided into static and dynamic slitting two kinds: accurately stop when the set length arrives, and then static slitting processing, slitting after restart operation; When the set length arrives, the slitting signal is sent out without stopping, and the slitting machine dynamically slitting processing in the process of material movement.

Cutting machine


3.The important performance index of the fixed length slitting machine is the slitting accuracy, and the waste length is good.

4. The length of the adhesive slitting machine can be continuously set. If there is an error in the practice of slitting length, it is easy to stop the calibration by setting parameters.

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Problems encountered in the work of scutters and their solutions

The width of the base paper will generally give the above mark size 3-5mm, special conditions will jump out of this range, if the base paper specification is 1185mm, we adjust the knife for 1190, in the base paper part may be greater than 1190, the edge of the paper plate will appear burr. In this case, you can stop the machine and loosen the knife for a while, then tighten the knife on both sides.

Why is the right side of the paper plate protruding after a period of cutting?

1. When starting to run, the edge of the paper is not tightened, can be in the machine began to cut the appropriate pad into the paper can avoid this situation.

2.The inner diameter of the paper core added to the paper core is too large, so that the paper core cannot be locked after the air shaft expansion, so that the paper core slides during rotation and causes deviation. The solution is to check the inner diameter of the paper core when the paper core is covered with the air inlet shaft.

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Address: No. 8, Hongye street, Xixi village, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province            Tel: 18038205092 / Mr. Zhou